The consequences of a business fire

Everyone can imagine that a business fire can have significant consequences for your company. Even with insurance, many businesses find the damage too great to ensure the continuity of the affected company.


Social Damage

When thinking about the consequences of a fire, we first consider financial damage. But there is often also social damage. This refers to employees who do not have wages at that moment, as traditional fire insurance often does not cover wages. It is also not always easy to apply for and receive technical unemployment. And no one wants to lose their talented employees during a 'war for talent'.


Commercial Damage

A second consequence that is often not immediately thought of in the event of a business fire is the commercial damage in the form of pressure on your customer base. The longer a fire halts the availability of your products and/or services, the more your customers are forced to turn (temporarily) to your competitors for these services/products. There is thus a chance that your competitors may take over your customer base.


Business Economic Damage

Lastly, we have the 'top of mind' consequence, namely business economic damage and financial damage. After a fire, revenue drops to a low point while fixed costs (such as rent) continue. Certain costs may even increase as a result, such as maintenance (cleaning of buildings and machinery due to smoke damage), possibly renting additional premises to temporarily house everything, etc.


Protect Your Business

As you can see, a business fire has significant effects not only on visible damage to buildings and stock but also in all aspects of a business. Therefore, investing in good fire protection is not a luxury. Check out which solutions are offered.

Not sure which types of lithium fire protection are best for your business? Feel free to contact us! We are happy to work together to find the perfect solution for you.

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