Loxxer in "Entrepreneurs West Flanders"

Loxxer Ensures Safe Battery Storage


Lithium-ion batteries make our lives wireless and therefore much easier in many areas, but they also pose explosion and fire hazards. LOXXER from Roeselare is now launching unique and intelligent storage solutions for industry, governments, and residential buildings.



“Becoming the Point of Contact for Lithium-Ion Storage”



LOXXER is an ambitious company with experienced leaders: Johan Pillen (Empteezy, FirePro, SBP) and his daughter Renée, along with Alexander Deceuninck (Edero, Saldec). “With Empteezy, we ensure the safe handling and storage of liquids in companies,” says Johan Pillen. “A leading car manufacturer asked us 5 years ago if we also had containers for battery storage. For traditional car batteries, you primarily have to watch out for the acids inside, so we thought the containers should be resistant to that. However, when they showed us videos about the dangers of lithium-ion batteries, even in small sizes, our eyes were opened.”



Safety Advisors


“These batteries are now found everywhere, from mobile phones and drones to power tools and electric bikes, scooters, and e-scooters,” adds Alexander Deceuninck. “They are not dangerous in themselves, but if dropped, they may be internally damaged. When charged or if already charged, they can ‘run away thermally,’ or in technical terms, ‘thermal runaway.’ Temperatures rise, gases can accumulate, and the battery cell may also rupture, leading to fire and/or explosion.” Renée Pillen: “These batteries are often charged overnight. Since they belong to the company, they may be handled less carefully or charged haphazardly. It’s often safety advisors who look for a single cabinet to charge all batteries safely and simultaneously. It’s important to note that there is currently nothing that can extinguish lithium-ion batteries. Water makes it worse. With our solutions, you buy time to alert the fire department, evacuate people from the building, and possibly move the cabinet outside to ensure the safety of your building. This way, you guarantee the safety of your employees and the continuity of your business. Unfortunately, we see that company fires often result in bankruptcy.”


Johan Pillen: “Our fire-resistant storage and charging cabinets first detect smoke during a thermal runaway, immediately cut off the power outlets and ventilation, and with an aerosol fire extinguishing system, we control the fire inside the cabinet for at least 90 minutes. Through intelligent software and an embedded SIM card, the relevant persons are notified. During the delivery of these cabinets, we were asked if we could also make cabinets where employees or customers could charge their bike and scooter batteries in separate lockers. This product is also appealing to governments for use in stations, hospitals, and libraries, and to owners of apartment buildings. Meanwhile, we have also developed intelligent fire-resistant containers (up to 40 feet) for storing batteries in large quantities. With a KIWA certification in hand, we see great potential for our products in Belgium and neighboring countries. We want LOXXER to be the point of contact for everything related to lithium-ion storage.”


(SD - Photo Kurt)

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